MC Lenni |
Back in the JUNGLETECHNO hot seat is Birmingham legend
MC Lenni.
Lenni gives JungleTechno a lowdown of his past present
and future. MC Lenni's career spreads over 20 years
having been involved with nearly every aspect of the rave
scene not just as an MC, but as a DJ, to promoting his own
night -'Starlight'- and Record store -'Pure Records-' also
producing his own track on Roughtone Records. Talking
about what he has been up to including his involvement
with the Legendary Q Club and Masters of the Past a new
oldskool night to hit Birmingham.
1. MC Lenni, with a career that spans back to the late
80’s how did you get involved with the rave scene?
I got involved in the rave scene back in 1986 with
Simon Bassline. Smith who used to play jazz funk, I was on
the microphone and into actually doing a rave. The rave
scene started and they needed someone to hype up the
crowd, so it started from there.
There was a lot of talking back then, we came from the
soundboy era. There was a lot of sound systems at the time
such as Saxon sound, that used to be a big one and that’s
where I got my inspiration.
2. Do you remember where you received your first
My first big booking was for Time in1990 at the
Institute (Sanctuary), before that it was at a club in
Small Heath, I think it was called the Kipper club, on the
bill was me and Keith Suckling. From there I did the Bass
Place, that was where we started properly with people like
Mickey Finn, Seduction, Grooverider, Fabio.
3. Having been involved with the rave scene right from
the beginning what has been your most memorable moments??
Actually getting everything off the ground, because it
was new to everybody and getting it out there with the
help of a lot people in Birmingham. Bringing the Prodigy
to Birmingham for the first time, they where good then and
you could tell that they where going to be out and out
Also opening the record shop, to be making the tune,
then selling the tune and then finally to actually play
the tunes. I dj’ed at Fantazia a few times really funny me
doing that.
4. In your early days you were found mcing alongside
fellow Birmingham legend Bassman. How did you guys hook up
and which other mc’s do you enjoy working with?
Obviously at Bass Place, Coast to Coast Bassman used to
come as a regular, I’ve known Bassman for a long time, we
were friends before the rave started along with his
brother Longjohn. We have always been a running joke and
one day I gave Bassman the mic. Bassman was my original
partner one of my boys, he’s my partner we started
together. Maximum respect to him.
Ranksi he’s my Birmingham boy, away from the London
crowd. People have to remember our rave the drum and bass
jungle scene is built on a London scene.
When I was coming through the major mc’s at the time
were Me, Hardcore General, Man Parris, Evenson and Bass
there was a core. With that you got Fearless and GQ, GQ is
one of my favourites of all time. Skibbadee Juiceman,
Shabba, Spyda they are all good at what they do, I have
respect for them as we are all in the same game.
But I rate Patrick Mad P, Everson, people who have been
in the game and have done it. Bassman, Fearless GQ, Moose
even and Dett these are top boys when it comes to mcing.
These came and created a game that everyone is following
and they set the template. It has evolved. There are
different types of mc’s hype, fast chat, lyrical gadget
and gimmick mc’s there are so many different type of mc’s
that bring different things to the table.
That’s all good especially at that end because they
don’t sound the same everybody has their own identity. The
new kids that are breaking through they have got to make
sure they don’t fall in to the trap of all sounding the
same, you need to create your own identity and your own
5. Having mc’ed for over 20 years how has the
Birmingham scene evolved over those years?
Birmingham is always playing catch up, that’s not in a
bad way I’m not trying to put Birmingham down in any shape
or form remember I’m a brummie lad! We picked up the ball
and ran with it Birmingham we created our own scene down
here which is big. Oldskoool scene is massive we
appreciate music a lot, our knowledge is excellent, second
to none.
London gets to hear certain tunes first because they
are made in London, we know good music but we also know
bad music. The scene in Birmingham is very healthy and
very good the actual ravers in Birmingham are very loyally
people. I can’t emphasise that any more, they are a loyal
set of fans and ravers and have supported Birmingham over
the last 20 years and are still doing it now.
Obviously my respect goes out to them, it’s not just
about the dj’s it’s about the people like yourself who
have been in and around for a long time, all the people
that used to come to the shop. The younger generation who
are getting into oldskool and jungle and drum and bass.
We know what we like and as for ravers we are the best
in land easy! That’s why so many gigs and organisations
come here along with the London organisations too. Over
the years we created our own brands Flashback, Atomic Jam,
Raveology, Starlight, Masters etc. so we know how to do it
ourselves we got our scene down here.
6. Is there a particular year or era that stood out for
Between 1992 and 1996 when jungle was really kicking
in, that’s where I’m most at ease in my own element,
that’s’ where I can flow. The Flashback years which were
absolutely mega can’t take those away.
7. You were resident MC for Flashback an infamous
oldskool revival night in Birmingham at the Que Club that
spanned from 1996 -2006. A night that carved its name in
rave folklore which is still talked about many years on.
What have been your fondest memories throughout Flashbacks
ten year history?
It was a collective of people, Mo, Jimmy, Jez, Danny
and I, it was about the actual Flashback ravers it was
their gig. We were part of the whole thing, it was their
night it was owned by them, we were the tool but they made
it theirs. The Flashback crowd and the oldskool crowd made
it their own with their people and made it what they
They were brilliant nights, Me and Mickey have done
some slammin nights at Flashback me and Groove, me and
Fabio we could go on and on. There never was really a bad
one, to be fair when you think about it. Every Flashback
had something, it was really good, and there was hardly a
Flashback that was bad it never happened. They where top
of the tree Flashback was the top of premiership all of
them were good!
8. How much of an impact did the closure of the Que
Club in 2003 make towards the later years of Flashback?
We lost our spiritual home, when you lose a spiritual
home like that, the actual place where it was situated
everything was together there. When you lose a place like
that it was hard to recreate that atmosphere. Everything
was together the building was part of the atmosphere the
Que club was part of Flashback, Flashback is part of me
I’m part of the crowd everything went together.
When you lose the venue you can have a good Flashback
but you can never ever be the same unless it was in there.
So the Que club closing had a marked effect on Flashback,
the quality of the line-ups or the way we performed as
performing artists did not drop at all because we are
professionals at what we do. But the venue would never be
the same. The venues we had after such as the Sanctuary
was not the Que club by far the Custard factory is not the
Que club these are good venue to do things but to do what
we was doing the Que club was the pinnacle.
9. Aside from Mcing you also had your own Record shop
in Digbeth Birmingham Pure Records. Today we have seen the
demise of records stores across the UK with virtually all
the independents vanishing.
It hurts a lot because i’m in the music business, for
the simple reason with vinyl being phased out a lot of
shops where phased out too. With online downloads you can
and put those on a cd, but you can’t download vinyl its
plastic its something you can handle and touch.
With the demise of vinyl brings the demise of record
shops it works two ways. Obviously with cdj’s you don’t
even have to mix properly the cdj virtually does
everything for you, which is ridiculous. I like to mess
around changing the speed pitch, when I’m djin I put my
finger there etc.. I like the handling. With the cdj’s
it’s too easy to mix. You don’t’ have to worry about a big
record bag and your not hurting your back actually I
wouldn’t mind djing again today ha ha.
10. Living in the today’s digital era of MP3’s and CD’s
what are your thoughts regarding CD’s taking over Vinyl?
It was always going to happen technology moves on,
there’s stuff you could do 20 years ago but you can’t do
now. It evolves, it was always going to evolve that’s the
way. It’s great that way because at the end of day the
young people can get hold of what we were doing back in
the day.
You can’t stop progress, progression will always happen
you either get on board or you don’t. Sooner or later
something will take over that, it’s a medium we got to
live with its there and it’s not going away. It has turned
into one of the tools of our trade now, its how you use it
as such simple as that.
11. As one of Birmingham’s figureheads within the
Oldskool / DNB circles how do you feel seeing the likes of
Biggie, G Child, Escape etc who used to watch you as well
visit your shop making a big name for themselves today??
It makes me feel proud, very proud the people you
mention I know them very well and they have worked for me
at one time. Their keeping Birmingham alive and absolutely
brilliant at what they do that’s why they have got to
where they have though their own talent. G Child is my boy
I thank him for giving me a big up for helping his career
but obviously they got the talent in the first place. I’m
proud of them putting Birmingham on the map not just the
old boys.
Birmingham has always been short of quality dj’s but
now we got the likes of Escape, Hazard who is flyin Biggie
on the MC circuit, G –Child on 1 Xtra flyin. They are a
name for themselves and made their own mark I’m happy for
them chuffed 100%
12. Do you still feel that there is a divide outside of
London regards to Drum and Bass artists breaking through?
No, obviously we have Hazard and Escape who play in
London we are going down there to play, for the first time
in a long time. They recognise us as a force, we can play
on their level the divide has now gone, that is due to the
digital era. The likes of Hazard and Escape putting their
tunes on the net so the London people can know we can make
good tunes, the tunes are out there. The London DJ’s are
playing Birmingham tunes, there’s no divide now.
13. You and the legendary Grooverider are very close
how did you feel to learn about him being arrested in
Dubai late last year?
Absolutely gutted, shocked, surprised and hurt.
Grooverider is my boy and I find it ridiculous first and
foremost, for the quantity he had it is ridiculous.
Obviously different places, different rules Groove fell
short to their rules I don’t find it is right but it’s not
my country. I hope he is home soon we are all thinking
about him.
14. What effect will this have on his career, and to
artists playing abroad particularly Drum and Bass?
None what so ever, it will make him bigger and better,
Grooverider is worldwide. When he comes out the whole
world will want him, every promoter in England and the
world will want to book him. Grooverider is Grooverider!
This will make sure when we go abroad that we adhere to
the laws of the land we are playing in, and that we will
check ourselves properly. It has shaken people, so that
when we go to these countries we follow the laws of their
15. The Q club finally reopened its doors at the end of
last summer, the clubbing scene has not really been
affected by as an anticipated in and around the city.
What changes and developments can we expect from the Q
club, over the coming months with your involvement?
Now I’m involved I’m meticulous about how I run things,
I’m a perfectionist, so I’m going to give the best product
to the ravers. With the likes of Mickey and Fabio and my
fellow peers they know when they come to play for me that
it has got to be top draw.
The Q club is moving forward everything that opens up
is going to have teething problems, the Q club is no
different. New management new problems it’s as simple as
that. You have to iron out the problems first, which are
now ironed out and we are going forward. It’s picking up
again and people have noticed this.
The raves that are going in are from big brands such as
Cream, Space, Ministry, Masters, Atomic Jam. With a lot of
professionalism we are back to being a professional
outfit, we are going forward. We have to keep our
standards high and set our goals so people want to come in
there again and good organisations want to hire the place.
As long as we can keep the standards up then there will be
no problem.
16. Recently we have seen you co-promote Masters of the
Past a new night focusing on the oldskool era. What is
your involvement with Masters?
I’m running the lot, the whole shebang, it’s my baby
along with the Q club. They are doing the club side I’m
doing the dj side of it, so we marry the two together. We
are trying to take this somewhere else and everything that
I’m involved with like I said before, it has got to be
done proper because I don’t suffer fools. It’s got to be
done to my spec which is the highest of the highest and
the best of the best.
If I didn’t think they were professional to work with I
would not to be in there, right now it’s my baby.
Starlight it still part of my company along with others,
if I wanted to, I could do Starlight any time.
With me being involved it takes a lot of burden off
them because they know I’m a perfectionist and I’m
straight forward.
Some of these people are my personal friends I will not
let down my friends, Mickey’s of these world and Fabio’s
Groove’s, Seduction, Simon, Bukem etc.. these are my pals.
We went through the same thing at the same time in our
lives so the Q club will be alright as long as we keep our
eye on the ball.
I’ve changed a few things for Masters, I thought the
drinks prices where a bit steep so I brought them down,
the security are light and polite not a problem. The sound
system I brought in for this one in September is
ridiculous and the line-ups are high spec everything has
to be best of the best. So when people go Masters we give
them the best.
17. Having promoted Starlight in the early 90’s and
being part of Flashback what can we expect at Masters of
the Past?
Like Flashback and Starlight I intend to bring the best
of the best to Birmingham to perform. People must remember
these are performing artists these are top of the game
these people that are coming to the club are Legends.
They’ve been around the world hence masters of the past,
because they are Masters of the past and the future they
are Masters Period.
I feel we should not cut short, no disrespect to
anybody else I’m going to bring the best of the best
simple as that. It doesn’t get any higher, there is no
higher than the Mickey’s and the Fabio’s that’s the bar.
So were trying to keep it high with proper line-ups so the
ravers know they are listening to the best.
We want to bring back the vibe, bring some joys,
happiness and good laughs. If I can bring back some
enjoyment and see the ravers enjoying themselves then I’m
happy that’s me done job done. All I want to do is give
the ravers a good night as its their rave I’m turning
Masters into their night, its not Lennni’s night it’s
their night. The way its going I can see it doing very
well indeed.
18. Do you have a message to the people of Birmingham
ahead of masters of the past?
It’s gonna be big, be very enjoyable your going to see
the masters performing ie Mickey Finn, Fabio Ratpack with
Everson and Mark, these are people have been in the game
from day dot. It’s going to be a wicked night, the vibe is
going to be there the venue is going to be dressed lovely,
it’s going to be a good night back to the old days people
are going to enjoy themselves go home happy and wait for
the next one.
Shout outs to all my usual people, Nitesh, Escape,
Ranski, Billy, Manaj and the Q club crew, all my DJ
friends Mickey, Fabio etc., my wife and kids, all the
ravers and big thank you and respect to the Birmingham
I'd personally like to thank Lenni once again for
inviting me into his home and taking time out to carry out
this interview.
MC Lenni has kindly given JungleTechno 3 pairs of
tickets for the forthcoming Masters of the Past - Saturday
September 2008 - Q Club Birmingham. Click HERE for
your chance to win a Pair of Tickets !
AUGUST 2008 |
Words By Nitesh
JungleTechno / Xtra-C Flashbackin' & Rewindin' |
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