MC Whizzkid |
Next in the hot seat Hardcore Til I Die resident
MC, one half of the MC2 Duo and hardcore beatboxing mc.
Whizzkid MC. |
1. Whizzkid MC, how does this name reflect you?
Like a mirror. Haha.
2. Do you remember how you got into raving? What was
your first raving experience?
I first got into Hardcore when a friend lent me a tape,
lets just say I loved what I heard and it became paramount
that I go to a rave. I went to a few local clubs first,
one being Shock, which played alot of the top old skool
Djs and MCs around at the time, and then built the courage
(as I wasn't old enough) to go to a big rave. Fantazia in
Castle Donnington was the first big rave I stomped at and
maaan it was amazing. As I'm sure the other 24,999 people
who went, would tell you!
3. Who have been your MC influences in and out of the
rave scene?
I try to be original and not sound like anyone, so I
don't know that anyone in particular influenced me, but
there are loads of MCs in rave music as a whole who I like
to listen to and big up for their skills. On an old skool
vibe back in the day my favourites were people like Mad P,
Conrad, Ribbz, Bassman, Lenny, Robbie Dee, Chalky White,
Stevie Hyper D & Ruff (RIP), Scratchmaster Techno, etc,
etc. Hardcore wise in 2004, its no secret that I like
workin with the guvnor, MC Storm, I really enjoy our b2b
sessions and hyping the crowd MC2 stylee, not only that,
hes a good mate both in and out the raves. I also like
workin with Odyssey, as like Storm I have worked with him
for a long time now and big up his flows and style, as
well as mic titans like, Marley, Smiley, Rude and Wottsee.
And that's just naming a few MCs, I aint even got to my
Hip Hop list yet. Ah well, another time!
4. What made you decide, "Yeah I wanna MC"
It's just something, even as a small kid, I wanted to
do. I always loved my Hip Hop, and used to write raps and
songs to B sides (instrumentals) of 7" singles (I know it
was sad but I was only young!). I'd also try and scratch
them up on my Mums HiFi, that went down well with her…not.
Eventually, I saved and got my first set of amateur
turntables when I was about 13, a while after that I got
into rave music and started mixing and writing lyrics to
it. It was always my passion for the mic that was the
strongest and eventually mixing took a back seat as I
started to concentrate fully on being an MC.
5. Originally you mainly MC'd for Breeze many years
ago, what other DJ's do you enjoy working with?
There's loads ive had the pleasure of working with over
the years, I always enjoy my sets with Scott Brown and Ive
also got to big up the RBC (Hixxy, Styles, Breeze, UFO)
who I regularly work with, and rate to tha minimax! But I
mean there's soooo many DJs kickin ass with top quality
tunage at the moment its brilliant, Energy, Seduction,
Sharkey, Marc Smith, Sy, Billy Bunter, Dougal, Brisk, CLSM
etc. etc. I think you get the general idea. If it's full
on Hardcore then the chances are I'm enjoying it, it's
hard not too.
6. Where was your first booking? Do you remember
who gave you your first break into mcin?
I DJ/MC'd at local clubs around the area at small
venues to not very many people, then in 1995 somebody came
up to me (at a pub set of all places) and said they liked
what they heard and would I consider coming to a club, as
they knew the promoter, to MC the first hour to see how
the crowd reacted to me and how I went down. I couldn't
believe it! Needless to say I nearly broke his arm off at
the chance, the raves name was Hyperbolic in Kings Lynn. I
had seen the flyers in the record shops I hung out in, and
was in total disbelief that I was gonna get to MC there.
When I arrived I was so nervous I could have collapsed,
then I got inside and discovered that I would be on with
DJ Clarkee. I was nearly quivering with nerves at this
point, as I had been listening to him for years on various
Dreamscape tapes and had never MC'd for a top jock before.
PRESSURE! Thankfully, it all went well, and I was offered
a residency, I stayed with Hyperbolic until they
eventually closed down. Big rave wise, my first big crowd
was at Helter Skelter with DJ Demo (Wicked!) and my first
Official big rave /flyered booking was at Slammin Vinyl in
1998. To say I was buzzin is an understatement. I must
have looked at that flyer a million times to check my name
was still on it!
7. What does it feel like seeing the crowd go crazy to
your lyrics?
It's a feeling I can't even describe. Unbelievable?
Amazing? A dream come true? Nothing I can write will ever
come close to the feeling.
8. If you could of mc'd at any past event, which rave
would it have been, and why?
Well, I guess it would be pretty mad to MC to 25,000
ravers as the guy's back then did at Fantazia, when I
first went. So that's a possibility. I'd have liked to
have seen the rave from a stage perspective, it must have
been crazy. Can you imagine?
9. Recently you were seen enjoying Mad P the voice of
Topbuzz at Illusion. What was it like to see one of
your lyrical inspirations in full flow?
Well, I was a big Top Buzz fan back in "tut" day, and
always looked forward to their sets at raves, so when I
heard they were doing an oldskool comeback set I was
buzzin. Bonus factor was, that Storm and I were booked at
the same rave in the Hardcore arena. Storm is a big fan
aswell, so we found our place with our crew on the
dancefloor and I think we all brocked out for the whole
set! Even old MC Rude came and had a bop! Skill!!!
10. As a Raver yourself you've seen Hardcore change in
all its various forms, from 92 right up to this present
date 2004. What I am trying to get at is what do you
think is the future / direction that hardcore is taking in
2004 and beyond?
The music at the moment is fantastic, at all levels,
and all styles. Even some of the demo CDs I've had from up
and coming producers recently are just amazing, so that's
very reassuring for the scene as well. Not to mention the
production quality of releases in general across the
board, is now second to none. So in my opinion, the future
is looking rosy for Hardcore music. There is more and more
up n coming DJs and MCs getting interested, our raves are
getting busier (well they're sold out!), the atmosphere in
the raves is electric, the DJs, MCs, and Producers,
kicking it week in week out are among the best in the
world and are all genuinely excited about Hardcore, and of
course the ravers ARE the best in the world full stop.
Hardcore is strong and getting stronger, so its all good!
11. What has been your favourite year as a Raver?
1992, hang on its, 1994, umn, 1995, whoops I mean,
1998, nah gotta be, 2004, no wait, 2005 looks tasty.
Erm…(whistles.. " Keeps on Getting Better.")
12. What career path would you have taken had you not
become a mc?
I went to stage school for a while when I was young and
was into acting and music. So, maybe that's what I would
have followed. I had some great experiences back then,
going to auditions, not knowing what it would be like etc.
etc.. I even got to be an extra on Eastenders and The
Bill. Haha, Soopa Skill!
13. Looking back on your MC career which have been your
favourite events that you've mc'd at and why?
That's simple…all of them. Both good experiences and
bad, they all help shape the future. (Starts whistling, "
Keeps on Getting Better" again.)
14. What advice would you give to anyone thinking about
becoming a hardcore mc?
Rome wasn't built in a day, "If your true, you'll get
through, and that's a fact, I'm living proof."
15. Recently you mc'd at Slammin vinyl for the last
ever event at the Sanctuary Milton Keynes. How did it
feel to mc at this event knowing that come 6am this venue
was to finally to close it's doors after 12 years?
I was absolutely wounded, that place held loads of
memories for me. I felt really proud to be performing at
the event, and what an event it turned out to be. Doing DJ
Seductions set in the Sanctuary with MC Storm and MC
Odyssey was absolutely fantastic, the crowd were Live! Yet
it was gutting to know that it was the last time I, or
anybody else in the Hardcore scene, would be pumping out
the music that was famed at that venue for the past decade
and a bit. I was equally as saddened watching Sy, Slipmatt
and Seduction with MC Storm in the Fasttrack arena, as
that place kicked arse as well. I was thinking this is it
man, last time here, I didn't want them to stop playing,
they were excellent! Not forgetting the Rollers arena of
yesteryear also, that place was wicked in its day as well.
But, everything happens for a reason, and the new clubs/
venues and complexes that have been discovered by
promoters are the lick, so maybe it was a good thing after
all. Bring on the new places I say. Yeah Boy!
16. KFC or McDonald's?
Don't get me wrong Colonel Harland Sanders is cool, and
always satisfies with his chicken dishes, but I tend to
eat round at Ronalds more often, me and Hamburglar go way
Top Ten Hardcore tunes (in any order)?
I got so many faves that every time I get asked this
question I try and give different answers to previous
interviews, so here goes, random and in no order:
There you go a mixture of old and new, and every one a
hardcore slammer.
Ok, finally, its your turn to give some Shout outs:
Marcia (Sexy Baby), My Family, MC Storm (MC2 on water?)
and Sarah, Jonno (DTR), Rude boy Rob, J4, NAP crew, James
n Charlie, Lisa n Phil and the gang, Gaz n Pip (congrats
on the baby raver), Eric n Tash, Nathan n Chelle, MC
Odyssey, The RBC - Hixxy (End of Timeeee), Styles and
Breeze (Popstars) and Jo, UFO. MC Marley, Scott Brown,
Jane and Kirsty, MC Smiley, Seduction and MC Rude, Kev
Energy, Brisk and Ham, Sharkey, Marc Smith, MC Wottsee,
Billy Bunter, CLSM, Demand, G Spencer, Force, Stompy,
Flyin, Cris E Manic and Uplift, MC Presha and Fiona,
Dougal and Gammer, Demo, Sy and Unknown, Recon, HB (Gabs)
and Ponder, D-ice and Reality, Sketchy and Compulsion,
Clarkee, Mark EG, Robbie Long and Devastate, Oli G and
Mozz, UHF, Ribbz, Charlie B, Druid and Vibes.
All the gang at the following events- Slammin Vinyl,
Hardcore Heaven, UD, HTID, Uproar, True, Helter Skelter,
Sidewinder, BPM, Future Vibe, Vibalite, Tasty, Tidy/
Magna, Polysexual, Frantic, Fruit Club, Delirium, Bedlam,
Elevation, Diz, Jellybeanz, HI, Experimental, Elation,
Diehard, Illusion, Absolute Hardcore, Planet Hardcore,
Jedi, The Lock Up, Flashback, Bring Back the Bounce, and
all the promoters representing hardcore, big up!
Radio One for having us on, and all the other stations
kickin it. Big shout to the Ravin Eye Crew for all your
efforts for hardcore, and never failing to make me laugh
whenever I read it, Skill. All the different raving crews
from around the country I've got to meet over the years,
respect is due to you. PTW, Rush Plus, Ilson, The W Team,
etc etc. Nitesh for being a geezer @ JungleTechno.co.uk,
Ush.net, Happyhardcore.com, Choons.net, Ukscene,
thedjr.com, HF, Gurn, and all the safe internet ravers.
Blah Blah Blah, I'm going on, it's like an Oscars speech,
put ya name here to save me time. --> (………..)
Finally,my maximum respect goes out to all the ravers
who have helped create the scene that it is today, from
old to new. You are the backbone of the Hardcore raves,
and you lot rule! Pump Pump!
I'd like to personally thank Whizzkid MC for taking his
time out to carry out this interview.
Don't forget you can catch Whizzkid and Hixxy's new
tune "End Of Time" On the latest "Hardcore Til I Die
2", album hitting your shops very soon !
OCTOBER 2004 |
Words By Nitesh
JungleTechno / Xtra-C Flashbackin' & Rewindin' |
© 2002-2024 www.jungletechno.co.uk